I had a quarrel with Mr BF.
He was unhappy because i forgot he had to go somewhere else, and continued using the net.but he remained silent about his feelings no matter how i probe.
Only through his neutral facial expression and hostile tone and exasperated sighs did i know he was unhappy.
This is when i realised, the difference in high and low contexts
In a asian society, how many us really voice out how we feel or think?
We expect the other party to see our displease through our body language, facial expressions or even through silences.
Take Mr BF and my disagreement for one thing.
Being human beings of different gender, we alrdy have so much differences in our way of life and characteristics.
Women and men,are differentiate even before birth by X and Y chromosomes.
while so many differences between men and women are visible, what about asian men and women versus eurasian men and women?
Asians tend to be more high context, they like to have hidden meanings in words, uses silence as a form of conveying feelings - mostly bad ones, does not usually voice out unhappiness. These can be good when they achieve their aim of letting the other party know of their unhappiness without needed to say much.However, the issue of misunderstanding the message being sent is much more prominent.
Eurasians or rather ang mohs, they tend to be of a lower context, they believe the use of words to convey meanings and feelings across is much clearer than the use of non verbal communications. This will come in very handy when they do not want any form of miscommunications.
To make it easier to understand, lets just compare men and women, regardless of their ethnicity. Just one common saying, women means yes when they say no, and yes when they say yes. for men, they means no when they say no, and yes when they say yes.
the difference in context in clearly visible. Women, being of a higher context. =p
4 yells